Monday 1 June 2009

ENGPS Auditions: The prolog!

The thing that attracted me to the porn industry was what I thought was its honesty and matter-of-fact attitude to life and sex. I knew my way around a porn site; I knew who some of the major players were in the profession - in fact I’d met a few of them - and I knew most, if not all the scenes were fiction. I was under no illusion that porn - gay or straight - was a business: That its mission in life was to make entertainment that made money – quickly and in copious amounts!

What I was unaware of was the wide spread bitchiness between studios; the existence of a ‘casting couch’ attitude that some studio owners have; the inability of some performers NOT to leave their self-created complicated private lives at the studio door and finally the weirdo’s the industry attracts!

Well, I’m aware of them now - and in some cases they are aware that I’m aware! (I’ll explain in later updates!).

I met all the above at the first set of auditions in Manchester, UK. Every one of them came through the door during that weekend. To be honest the only thing that didn’t come through the door at those auditions was contestants: 18 to be exact! EIGHT bloody TEEN! (Bollocks to peace and love - I want revenge!).

I had BLANK that looked like they hadn’t eaten for years and had survived without sunlight since their chord was cut; I had journalists that were so excited about meeting some of the Jury, they practically pissed themselves when spoken to; I had Chief Operating Officers spilling the beans on what their owners like to get up to with the studios latest performer; I had major ‘gay’ porn stars giving out their number to any and all women they met; I had seedy nightclub promoters that thought a bottle of cheap champagne bought them the right to be your mate and shag your co-workers; I had famine and fucking disease that weekend!

I also had a great project!…..No shite project would attract this many weirdo’s. No shite project would have attracted the support of so many well known names. No shite project would have secured sponsorship from industry veterans. No, we had a winner in Manchester even if some applicants were too full of shite to turn up, and I have the weirdo’s to thank for proving that to me!

What we DIDN’T have that weekend was the honesty I was hoping for from an industry that really doesn’t need to lie. What we DIDN’T have that weekend was the respect from the industry that should be afforded adults - guys, we know it’s not real, we don’t care if the guys shagging in your films like to say they are straight, we don’t care if they have girlfriends or wives, its porn, ITS NOT REAL LIFE!!

So, I now have a new mission to add to my long list of obligations in executing the organisation of Europe’s Next Gay Porn Star: I’M BRINGING HONESTY BACK (ENGPS/Timberlake porno re-mix)

Peace, Love & Porn….Honestly!

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