Wednesday 9 September 2009


Some of you may have noticed the appearance of some BLANKS in the updates Ive posted - its weird I know, but I had an objection from someone who works/ed for a company that was involved with the project recently - phew!
They screamed at me, called me lots of nasty names (as I did too!) and I caved in. The thing that really motivated me was a statement used: the objector said that 'He controlled the Press in America' (it was later changed to 'He controlled the GAY Press in America'). Well, Im not big enough or strong enough to take on someone who '..controls the press' regardless of where in the world this control is based! Hell no, I know when Im beat!
So, rather than have our little European project blacklisted by the whole of the press in one of the largest countries in the world; rather than have our name, the name of our company; project and contestants appear on some 'Print them and Die' list, I though it better to just blank out any reference to the person/company and country - call it my good deed for the day!
For now that is!

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Dont wake sleeping giants!

So like I told you, I heard back from the BLANK the other day: he finally replied to an email we sent him nearly four months go! However his recent ranting had nothing to do with our mail, apparently he has found and read the blog and to say he is pissed off would be an understatement!
I came across the emails by accident as the silly rabbit had sent his moans, groans and empty threats to our old account – I wish he would have replied via the blog page as I would have been able to share with you his pointless vexing! It appears he is pissed off at me/us as apparently we are organising a scam – what the fuck is it with faggots we don’t get on with; do they all read the same books or something? How can this fucking project – that has taken over our complete lives for the past 18months and is still current be a scam? How can a project that is still updating its website FOR FREE be a scam? How can you describe a project that is now putting in place its second year’s activity as fake? I don’t get it – how thick can some people be?
Anyway, the little twat is pissed off with the things I said about him; and it took him 4 emails over the period of one night to tell me how pissed off he was! It was like a prolonged rant that broke off from time to time to allow the keyboard to cool down; he got progressively illiterate and by the final email nothing made sense! I was nearly passing out from laughing!
The whole rant spotlighted the blog page; it made no reference to the insults I have levelled at him via the BLANK he BLANK/BLANKED for – I can’t wait till that email find its way to him, it will be like opening one of the letters Mrs Weesley sends to Ron in Harry Potter: all feathers and spitting and screams!
He is obviously a loony BLANK; he keeps interspersing his messages with sayings: ‘Don’t wake sleeping giants’ For fuck sake, what planet is this guy from – who the fuck does he think he is the fucking CIA? Well Mr Sleeping Giant, I have a saying for you: ‘Don’t fuck with a faggot!’...oh and another one has just sprung to mind: ‘Kiss my arse, motherfucker!’

Revenge is Sweet!

How many times have I said: 'Hell has no fury like a gay man scorned'?

Is this the face of Europes Next Gay Porn Star? Really, you be the judges. Tell me if you think this is the face we should invest our time and money in - you tell me if you would like to have him (his name is James btw) on your pc screens at 2.30am staring out at you as you beat your monkey until its sick?

I think James needs some encouragement and I'd be only too pleased to forward you his details so you can email/chat to each other! Just be aware he is a little tempremental and has a tendancy to say nasty things to you and then slam the phone down!

There's a lesson in this to all you potential candidates: don't apply to be Europe's Next Gay Porn Star when you are feeling horny! Chances are that when all the blood has returned from its day trip to Cocksville, you'll change your mind! My advice would be: take a day to think about what you are doing!

In the meantime .... revenge is sweet mother fuckers!

Mr Orang-utan 2009!

So this is one of the little beauties I mentioned in my last update. This fine example of a man hails from the UK (aren't we the lucky ones!) and is wait for it...23 years old. Mr O-u-Tan thinks he is ideally suited to a life in porn, and we agree hence we forwarded his application and picture onto 'Farmyard Sluts'!

Dear God help me!


Tuesday 25 August 2009

Its been a while my little bum chums and I've missed you!

I’m sorry my little wank chums that I’ve been away from the nest for a while as we have been moving office and setting up a studio of sorts – sounds hard enough but when you add to the mix BSkyB, it becomes a total nightmare. How badly can a company fuck something up before it becomes personal? No joke, I was telephoning their offices so often they actually told me to stop harassing them or they would terminate our agreement!
Anyway, we are now kinda sorted – just some nice gay things to do, like furnishings etc etc and we will have a very comfortable office and studio from which to launch our demi-emipre – can’t wait!!
So, what you are going to get from me now is a daily up date so that by the time we start filming again – in 7 days – you will be fully up to date and on my level.
The website has/is still been updated – although at a slightly slower rate than normal, which is purely down to the fact that we were running out of footage to give you as we had been updating so often! But regular viewing will be restored as soon as we start the final leg of auditions next week, which will be closely followed by the Final which is being hosted from the 22 to the 25 September!
Obviously a few interesting things have happened since we took a forced holiday from you guys, all of which will be written about in full and with some very frank comments from me:
1. I heard from the BLANK. NOT a happy bunny to tell you the truth. Problem is it looks like he’s read this page and has taken offence at some of my comments. He has clearly missed the humour and high-jinks in which I wrote all about my time with him and it saddens (aka pisses me off) me that the miserable piece of shit thinks I give a flying fuck about what he thinks! The overwhelming emotion I had when I saw his email was pity which lasted all of1/8th of a nano-second. He is such a tosser. Like I’m going to stop writing about him now he’s asked me to – fuck off. I’m going to get at least 12 more blog updates out of that cunt if it kills me, and if he asks me one more time to stop mentioning him, Ill fucking name and shame the twat in full – email address and telephone number included!
2. The final two BLANK we had involved have now had their agreements come to an end – thanks fucking God! What total BLANK – the pair of them. I’m telling you, on this issue I am VERY tempted to name names – they are such wankers everyone needs to know just in case you ever approach them for involvement – unlikely I know, but there is an element of therapy for me involved in writing this blog – so put up and shut up fuckers!
3. Some of the people we auditioned have turned into gay men with cunts! I’m telling you, only in the gay world of porn could faggots who spent their lives on the dole, playing with themselves on MSN for FREE, suddenly in a global recession, decide they won’t take their clothes off for less that £600! Fucking hell, I would take my clothes off for that!
4. Big Brother. We are fans, but if any of you fuckers vote for Charlie, Ill hunt you down. He is the absolute essence of what makes me puke about gay ‘men’. GET THE FUCKER OUT! I just knew he worked in a call centre; he is perfect for it: thick, arrogant and stupid!
5. Daytime TV. I think it should be banned. It’s like a drug; it lulls you into a comforted state with its one-ff programmes and the next thing you know you’re recording the whole fucking series – it’s VERY dangerous!
6. We are launching our own site in the New Year: Cock on the Road, so Ill fill you in on more details about that over the next few weeks. I might be able to show you some previews – I’ll ask! Its different to ENGPS – yes, the lads are ‘boy-next-door’ types, yes the lads will be from Europe, but the best bit is they will be fucking in real places as we travel about with the project – we are trying to make it the contestant’s first paid jobs!
7. Contestant who need medicating! I know we only have ourselves to blame for hosting a project inviting members of the public to send in their details in the hopes they will break through into the gay porn market. I know we are inviting weirdo's to take a pot-shot at us/our site and our nearest and dearest but dear lordy lord, even I wasn't prepared for the latest applications we got through. I'm just wondeing if a new magazine has been launched: 'WindowLickers Unite'? One of them looks like a shaved orang-utan and the other one looks reasonably hot, but when I spoke to him he was pissed off 'coz I didn't want to buy drugs and made me fear for my life! - I'm telling you friends, you really need to spend a few days living my life: its weird!

Friday 3 July 2009

Sponsors – Yet another one bites the dust!

As some of you might already know – I’m not a huge fan of some of our old sponsors and this section is like a valve on the pressure cooker of ENGPS! Well my little bum-chums, I’m taking the opportunity to let off some more steam and vent my delight at yet another cunt faced sponsor biting the dust!

Yep, as of the 1st of July, we no longer have the pointless involvement of the BLANK that were responsible for sending me that pasty-faced, pot smoking cunt of a BLANK, and I’ve just sobered up from celebrating their demise. I know its nasty to say, and I’m sure my karma will suffer, but fuck it: I hope they suffer, I’m not choosy about how – unemployment/illness/family bereavement – whatever, just make it long, slow and public (or at least make sure I hear of it!).

The problem I have is their BLANK(another mysterious BLANK that doesn't name BLANK on the website or ever appear on BLANK) also owns a BLANK in the BLANK and they have the licence for BLANK, so every time I hear it I’m reminded of the thick, fagotty, tit-faced BLANK. One very good reason not to own a BLANK!

Anyway, one more BLANK hits the deck – just one more to go and I’m counting the days!

Peace, Love, Porn
(FYI: This section does not involve Eurocreme or Alphamale!LOL)

Thursday 2 July 2009

Laurent - Solo Scene

Laurent - Interview

Paris – J’adore!

There is something about Paris and France in general that just makes me feel warm and at ease! I know the French can be surly and arrogant, but I can’t blame them; they have great food, a stunning capital city; shit-hot language and in my opinion some of the best looking men in the world – Oh God I’m going to get it now from everyone else but I hasten to add that it’s MY OPINION mother-fuckers so zip it!

No, it’s a great country and a stunning capital, which brings me on to the hugely successful recent visit we made there a few weeks ago for some auditions: Fred Faurtin joined us – he lives in Paris with his boyfriend Gil and I have to say they are two of the nicest people you could meet. We located ourselves in an apartment near the Marais district and I don’t know if it was the typically Parisian street we were on, the 3 balconies we had, the fantastic weather or the interesting and diverse applicants but the whole visit was great!

You will have to check the website for the various dates for the applicant auditions, but I can tell you we had a few people in Paris that you will be seeing at the Final. We also had an interesting issue raised while we were there but I’ll cover that in a few days time.

Peace, Love, Porn


Akim - Interview (en Francais!)

Cop a feel and die!

As most of you haven’t actually been to one of our audition or maybe even a studio audition, I thought you might be interested in learning how we play it: After about seven thousand emails and telephone calls to make sure the contestant is attending the audition and to give them instructions on where we are located, they finally (in some cases!) turn up. Once with us we introduce ourselves to them – there is never more than 5 of us – and then I run through some legal requirements and explain what will be happening – all clear so far?

After that I hand them over to the Executive Producer – Dean - who, together with the 2nd cameraman/photographer – Sean – settle the contestant down and introduce him to the Jury Member who is with us. They are then filmed having a conversation with Fred/Luke/Jesse..whoever, and are then finally invited to wank off!

This is done in a private room with just them and Dean (Sean pops in from time to time to take photos). While in this room, they can use a toy, watch a video, lube up etc – anything they want to make their wank session enjoyable and ultimately good enough to get them through to the Final.

Now, this is where it can get funny! You see some contestants think that having Dean in the room with them means that he too will be whopping his cock out and having fun; some contestants actually think its fine to ‘cop a feel’ of the aforementioned cock that belongs to Dean. Some see him as a participant in the whole thing – WRONG!!!!!

Let me make it clear motherfuckers РDean is off limits Рhe, his cock and his sexual urges belong to me Рand have done for the last 10 years or so. So, if I find another contestant grabbing my partners cock РIll cut both his and the contestants dicks off and saut̩ them with some flageolet beans and serve them for lunch with a bottle of Chianti as a very wise man once said!

Seriously, I’m only joking – we are partners and we know this sort of thing is bound to happen but we are absolutely clear about our feelings on joining in on auditions/filming scenes – WE NEVER DO IT as we don’t feel its professional and ultimately sets a very poor standard. We know of other studios that do ‘help’ the performer, but it’s not for us I’m afraid. We don’t have the type of relationship that allows one of us to be actively involved in a filmed sex scene with a stranger (or otherwise) while the other is drinking coffee in the other room – sometimes it would be better if we did!
That all said, I find it very funny when stuff like this happens as it provides me with great fodder for this blog – although I’m not sure Dean appreciates the spin-off’s from being felt up by an over sexed foreigner at the time of the assault!

Love, Peace & Porn

Audition updates

As you all know, I’ve been updating this blog page for a few weeks now in its current format and I think it’s working. One thing I’ve noticed that is lacking is the inclusion of some videos so I’m going to include some of these from now on – yippee I hear you all saying!

As all audition footage is free on the main site, I think it will be a good idea to include some previews of updates – weeks before they are put on the site so you can get your little winkies all wet and ready, and some never before seen footage (not long) of contestants interviews/auditions. Finally, I’d like to include some other videos – perhaps previews of Sponsors new vids, I’ll ask them – and some of our favourite wank fodder videos (most of mine are vintage or have that feel to them!.

So, to launch this ground-breaking new format (not!) I’ m attaching a preview of one of the French contestants – Akim, whom we interviewed and auditioned in Paris in May. He was ill the weekend we saw him and I thought it was a testament to his commitment (or insanity, as he did come across as a little intense!) that he kept to his appointment and actually delivered quite a good wank scene.

His audition film is available on the project website on the 3rd of July - enjoy!

L, P & P

Akim, French Contestant

Wednesday 17 June 2009

The 'Bridget Jones' Bit!

So like I said, I' shaming myself into losing this vile, vile weight by exposing you lot to the facts/figures....and today is the first day!!

I'll update you wekly unless Im bored, pissed off or out of other topics to talk about!

Diet: Atkins

Date Started: 14.06.09

Start Weight: 13st 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(I'm blaming every single motherfucker that has caused me grief over the past 12mths for this - Ill get you, just watch your backs and don't go to sleep!!)

Goal Weight: 11st 6
(Oh the joy of even being able to write it!)

Difficulty: 8 out of 10
(only as the book is long, American and boring but recommends you read it before starting the diet)

Issues: Headache (due to caffeen withdrawl, which I have now re-read the section and re-introduced back, thank fuck!) Bloating (due to the millions of multi-vits etc)

Monday 15 June 2009

Amsterdam – alone and not even high!

We were on our way back home from Amsterdam a while ago –we’ve been loads of times and LOVE it – and we were on the same flight as Kerry Katona travelling with her then bf Mark. I thought she was a total diva – loud, ‘I’m a celebrity, look at me..don’t look’, rude, ignorant and ugly without make-up. It was funny as we were travelling Easyjet and she’d really pushed the boat out and upgraded to ‘Speedy Boarding’! Best thing was, when they took their seats on the plane they took the very front row as they thought they would be reserved for celebs – NOT! They were the disabled seats reserved for cripples! LOL

I always think of her when I talk about Amsterdam –I don’t mind really as I quite like her even if I did laugh at her expense. Anyway, this has nothing to do with the last time we were in Amsterdam! We were hosting the Netherlands auditions in October last year – yep the nob-head BLANK was with us even if we didn’t see him for the whole trip – thank God!

No joke – this was the quickest audition trip we had made – two days and 8 applicants. Not one of them turned up, not even the two performers who had been sent from BLANK – BLANK – to act as Judges showed up for any auditions. I honestly think everyone was so whacked out from the UK, Germany and CZ visits they all just hit the cafes and smoked themselves high for two days! I wish we fucking well had!

Anyhoo, we are re-visiting Amsterdam and the Netherlands – personally I really like the Dutch guys – in June, this time with the very fuckable Eurocreme twink Philippe Delvaux (I wonder if we could get him high and play with his cock without him objecting or demanding cash?) So if any of you are reading this and wanna apply – maybe try your luck with Philippe – get filling out the application form:

FYI: We never got to meet any of the BLANK during or after this trip – which was a little of a shame as BLANK and BLANK were nice guys. Their BLANK was a total loser – I know its sick but I was following the papers during this time to see if he had clashed with anyone else and ended up in one of the canals – alas not!

Love, Peace & Porn

Tuesday 9 June 2009

Live my life - see how you like it motherfuckers!

So I was taking a few days break from updating this blog - you've had loads put on here even if it didn't include free wank fodder videos - but I've been drawn back to even a score!

You might recall I updated you on one of our first applicants - Gregor, way back last year after he did his audition and subsequent duo scene with another applicant a few weeks later? Well, we lost little Gregor at the second meeting - just after he'd been royally fucked by the mighty Manoj and I was a little worried when he didn't return from having dinner with his(old and weird!)boyfriend. So worried was I that I called his moby several times during the day; left emails; left messages at home and on the aforementioned moby - all of which resulted in a big fat NOTHING and nothing since!

Anyway, as it happens we've changed our serverage over the weekend which meant that I had to send an email to my contact list to tell ppl our new address etc etc and one of the ppl in this notification list was the illusive Gregor!

So (phew!) I get a reply from the girly little queen telling me that he thinks the competition is all a fake! Fucking cheek: Fake? I've aged 10 years in the last 6 months since launching this project. I've gained 2 stone in weight, developed a limp, lost partial use of my top lip and have this uncontrollable urge to shit when I hear a cockerel crow! Fucking fake from a gay man that can't get hard unless his 2,000 year old boyfriend hits him with a wardrobe; who is so passive he still doesn't get hard when he ejaculates and that's after he has to be left in a darkened room for two fucking days!

You know, I wish some people would just fuck off and stop winding me up. Oh btw Gregor, just in case you are in any doubt: YOU DIDN'T MAKE IT THROUGH TO THE FINAL!

Love, Peace & Porn people; love, peace and fucking porn!

Sunday 7 June 2009

Blackpool – Kiss me Quick; Fuck me Slow! - Day 2

The next set of auditions we did – the day after – was in a swinger’s hotel in Blackpool that was very kindly offered to us for filming. It’s a straight hotel, but they are moving into the gay/bi side of things which we thought sounded interesting (Buddies is its name and you should check out if they have started the gay/bi weekends and let me know!). Anyhoo, the interior lends itself well to filming sex scenes – it has a fully padded room for group sessions that we used!

This day we filmed two guys both called James as it happened – both not bad looking although in my opinion one was way better than the other. That said, I have a feeling the better looking of the two was stoned! Either that or he thought a half-closed eyes look and vacant expression added up to a sultry-come-fuck-me look!! NOT!

That said, he looks good and I liked his body although he had a little too much hair for my taste. The other James was totally different. Very nervous (1st timer again) and only just coming to terms with his love of cock! Not a bad performance and both did well on their ‘money shots’!
All in all, I’m glad we added this extra audition date into the schedule – 5 very respectable contestants some better than others – all well worth watching!

Peace, Love & Porn

Blackpool – Kiss me Quick; Fuck me Slow! - Day 1

Just another pic of the ultra sexy Jonathan taken at the same time he was being filmed for his audition - fuck this guy is hot!!!

Blackpool – Kiss me Quick; Fuck me Slow!- Day 1

So a while ago we had a number of applicants come through from the seaside town of Blackpool in the north west of the UK. I know Blackpool reasonably well and actually like it out of season – it’s harsh, cheap but honest, just like me!

Anyway, we had already hosted the UK auditions a few months prior in Manchester with some of the boys from BLANK and BLANK but after seeing some pictures of the applicants we decided to do a one off audition to include them – and I’m glad we did!

The first few are HOT as fuck and both with great cocks – Niall, Jonathan & Anthony (their audition tapes are on the site now). Firstly Niall: he is undeniably good looking in a scally kinda way – but also had the potential to be a good looking Euro boy. He was definitely nervous – this was his first video shoot, but as we kept the whole thing low key and casual he relaxed quite a lot which shows on his tape and actually ends up with a great cum shot.

Jonathan was similar with a slightly rougher edge to him. STUNNNG body, very scally but amazingly well defined and a HUGE cock. Again this was his first time in front of the video camera but to be honest I think it actually turned him on even more – his cock was rock hard all the way through the audition! Anyway, he too did a good cum shot although not as explosive as I would like to have seen! Well worth a lick tho! LOL

Anthony again was totally new to this thing having been introduced to the project by Niall a friend of his. Traditionally straight, I think the realisation of what he would have to do if he moved on in the competition has played on his mind and although I personally think he is bi-sexual, I don’t think he is ready to demonstrate this in public and on camera! So alas, Anthony’s audition tape is all you will see of him I’m afraid! That said, he looks great, has a really nice body – if a little skinny – and a great cock. Anthony was hard from arrival to departure so we know he had a good time. He came a little soon for us – we’d have liked to have seen him play a little more and show of his cock and body some but hey it’s still a good wank scene so enjoy!
I’ve noticed quite a few comments about these two on various blog/twitter sites so I think we were right to include them!

Peace, Love & Porn

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Fred Faurtin - more pictures

More pictures for your pleasure of the 'French Fancy' Fred Faurtin!

We have a short video of him at the auditions he came to in Paris and I will upload this over the next few days.

Peace, Love & Porn.
(and one for Fred 'coz we love him - X!)

Jesse Santana - more pictures

Found these the other day and realised I hadn't shared them with you!

Love, Peace & Porn.

Berlin - Audition update, more pics of Marcel Schlutt

Marcel Schlutt

Thought you might like some more of this hunk of a German - I can't wait to meet him at the German Auditions.

There is talk of him doing a set of pictures of the Finalists in September as he is a fairly accomplished photographer with some of his piccies being published - mainly fashion ones but from what I've seen they are very good - more in a later update when I know more.

Peace, Love & Porn!

Berlin - Audition update

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Monday 1 June 2009

Bear with me!

You might have noticed that quite a few updates are appearing: Well this is partly due to us moving the blog page from one site to another. Partly due to the fact I haven't written any blogs for months, so I'm taking the move as an opportunity to bring the page fully upto date - bear with me, it will be worth it!

FYI: Don't fret about the lack of pictures and audition clip samples - we will be uploading these this week too!

Love, Peace & Porn

Milan Gamiani - a deeper insight

Milan Gamiani – A Biography by Yannis Blackburn, Journalist

This Manhattan born Libran has been in and out of the city since he left home at the young and tender, but rebellious, age of 14 to pursue his dreams and become an architect. He stands 183 centimeters tall, weighs 85 kilograms, has fabulous bedroom brown eyes, a killer smile, a nice tanned and defined five-days-a-week gym body, and not to mention his incredible 24cm!!

He got married at age 16 (quite young if you ask me) to his childhood and high school sweetheart, who was 18 at the time. They moved to Savannah, Georgia to enroll in the University of Savannah college of Art and Design.

After two years there, they transferred to Georgia Tech in Atlanta and started a business there called Rene Designs - named after his own and his son’s middle name. That took him to every corner of the world doing special events, party planning and decorating. He designed home and office interiors as well as theatre sets, Christmas decorations and his own special larger-than-life light figurines. His spectacular designs and decorations covered the façades of some of the most prestigious and tallest buildings in the southern USA every Christmas – and it must be emphasized that everything was designed and constructed by Gamiani. His creations were also displayed in public parks and mid-rise buildings around the country.

You name it, he’s done it. With this fabulous talent, taste, inventive techniques, his great people skills and class, his career in the special event industry went from strength to strength during the 1990s.

While still owning his business, before a fatal fire ended it in 1997, he worked with the best catering companies in the south, putting together the most successful parties and weddings all over east cost and Louisiana. This man at work is a real genius! After ending with that chapter, he went on to work as a designer for the biggest decorator in USA, Preston Bailey. At the same time Gamiani also collaborated with his former business partner, Mark Pancerz, owner of the largest and most prestigious Decorating firm in the south.

Divorcing his wife in 2000 was not easy. On top of this was the added possibility of not being able to see his children on a regular basis. The up side was that he was about to start a new relationship with the man he left his wife for and who he still considers to be the love of his life.
He sacrificed his career in decorating for love and began working in the world of economics and day trading, his boyfriend’s field of expertise.

After reaping great financial success early on, huge losses were to follow. The company in which he invested most of his money went bankrupt, his portfolio crashed and he never fully recovered from the losses – financially and otherwise. This led him to live in Europe without a work permit and with people wondering if he had pulled some sort of "Martha Stewart"!

With neither residency nor job permit at the time in Spain, the solution was simple ... a Porn Star was born! Now with work permit in hand and stronger than ever, he has made a very profitable career in the movies!

To this day, he has participated in 24 films, with the starring role in six and co-starring in the rest. He has become a household name among the fans of adult films, having worked for some of the biggest studios in Europe and the USA, such as Cazzo film, Cadinot, Private, Lucas Entertainment, Raging Stallion and Citebeur. Besides the films and the busy schedules, he has put together a performance show which has already been presented at numerous clubs and special events around Europe. He is now planning to write and stage a musical about his life story on Madrid’s "Broadway". It will deal with his life, his experiences, his success and his incredible romances with both sexes.

He has so many stories to tell. There have been lots of sensational moments, some very bad ones and some incredibly good ones. He has gone through some hysterically funny situations, especially in his walk through the "life in the biz" as it is called by the ones working in it -prostitution! Mix this with some very sad times and unfortunate turns in his life, top it off with the world of porn, and it should all guarantee a huge success on stage. These types of musicals need all these juicy ingredients to make the show a hit. All he needs is Liza Minnelli interpreting his mother, and we’re destined to shine brighter than the stars! I can’t wait for some more news on the premiere!

Completely fluent in Spanish and of course English, Milan is a very intelligent, talented, sensitive and sophisticated human being. He has a tremendous amount of ideas, dreams and aspirations. He is very sweet and innocent and yet is very mature and worldly. He can be a street fighter or a true romantic! He is described by those who know him as passionate, not only when it comes to sex, for those who have had the chance, but in his whole life, passion runs trough his veins. It is said he is a terrific friend, always giving and sharing, concerned with everyone’s well being and sometimes putting others ahead of himself.

He is very dedicated to everything he is involved in, including his family, his friends, and his work. He is very professional and very much a perfectionist. For such a young man these are a lot of great qualities, and I give you my word, he is all that and a bag of chips! Enjoy him while you can!!

Two fantastic new studios joins the project: Eurocreme and Alphamalemedia


We are delighted to announce changes that will see this amazing new project become accessible to all blue blooded males – hairy or smooth – young or old – tall or short!

ENGPS will be replacing Bel Ami as the studio of choice as part of the overall winners prize: In its place will be Eurocreme UK and Alphamalemedia , both companies will be involved in the selection of the winner later in the year after applicants have filmed their first ever full length production for both sponsoring studios!

Eurocreme and Alphamalemedia will present a fantastic opportunity for all applicants to break into the industry and makes the whole competition fully inclusive and open to all types.

Dean Carr, co-creator and Executive Producer of ENGPS said:
‘After hosting some initial auditions in Europe late last year, we noticed one major fault – applicants weren’t showing up for their allotted audition time! So, after telephoning all the no-shows and asking what happened, we discovered that the ‘Holy Grail’ of the Bel Ami boys being the exclusive studio sponsors of the project, was actually the one thing putting people off attending the auditions!’

‘Fortunately, we have a great relationship with Stuart Davis, COO at Bel Ami and we were able to sit down and discuss the changes needed to make this project the worldwide gay porn equivalent to ‘Pop Idol’. However stunning the Bel Ami boys are, their type is unfortunately too restrictive for the project and as such we have decided that the best way forward is to offer the overall Winner exposure to several European based studios, rather than just one. We are delighted that Eurocreme and Alphamalemedia are joining us on this project and thrilled that two major international studios will be lending their support to such a new initiative’ continued Carr.

Simon Booth, Head of Video Production for Eurocreme, said:
‘We are very excited to be a part of this fantastic project, and greatly looking forward to finding some new talent. It’s a terrific opportunity for anyone who thinks they have what it takes!’

Trojan Rock, actor and spokesperson for said:
“There is nothing better than finding performers who are passionate about their work, and this is such a fantastic way to discover talented newcomers who really want to enter the industry. We are really looking forward to all the heats and events. It is going to be a lot of fun, and for the winner it is going to be an extraordinary opportunity.”

Stuart Davis, COO at Bel Ami added,
‘Bel Ami wish Ganesha Productions and all involved the best with ENGPS and regret that it did not work out the way that we all had envisioned.’

Applications should be submitted at

BLANK– Another one bites the dust!

This section is really just a STOP PRESS BITCH section that will pacify our need to celebrate the expiry of a BLANK, BLANK, BLANK BLANK contract and their involvement in our project – believe me when I tell you that I’m biting my tongue so hard so I don’t tell you what some of these guys have done to us and our project, I’m bleeding!

Seriously, think twice if any of you are considering inviting sponsors to become involved in anything you do – most are just BLANK guys who are being paid to spend other people’s money, some are fucked up BLANK who think that by entering into a sponsorship deal they own you, your mother and the project and the rest are just cunts until proved otherwise!

Anyway, as of the 31st May we have one less set of cunts to deal with – mines a double boys!

Peace, Love, Porn
(FYI: This section does not involve Eurocreme or Alphamale!LOL)

Prague – a shitty city!

It’s been a while since we stepped foot in this generally highly regarded city of architecture and historical beauty and I would like to say that over the last 7 months, I’ve been too traumatised by our last visit to write, but that would be a lie:

Sure, my recollection of Prague is that it’s a vile city, full of vile people who live their vile lives ripping off tourists and I for one will never step foot in the CZ again. Sure, from the moment we arrived at the filthy, grubby, mainline station and realised that we would have to pay 6 times the going rate for a taxi because our idiot travel sponsor had booked us into some shit-hole of a hotel (that’s a laugh!) in a suburb miles from anywhere, that our time in Prague was not going to be a happy one.

It’s true; I had a bitch fight with a tosser of a BLANK in the aforementioned station because I had packed the address of the aforementioned shit-hole of a hotel in my luggage and as ‘..I worked for BLANK..’ I should have arrived prepared and in secretarial mode! (Believe me when I say that the one thing I really regret about this episode is not decking that BLANK, BLANK, BLANK, BLANK, BLANK – and what make it even worse is that I know that mistake will cost me thousands in therapy!).

It’s true, that when we arrived in the hell-hole of all hotels and one of their vile staff/escorts/house-boys/weirdo friends nicked some of our staging equipment! It’s true that when we visited the venue for the auditions ‘One of the Premier gay nightspots in Prague’ (their words not ours) our feet stuck to its floor.

I could go on, but I can sense you are ‘fogging-over’!

No, the truth about why it’s taken me so long to update you on Prague is because very little of note happened there: we secured two applicants – one from the hotel and one from the PA we did – the latter was on a promise of a blow-job from one of the BLANK we had travelling with us!

No, Prague was shit. Its people, in my opinion/experience will do anything for money – shag you, their brother, your mother, their granny and we didn’t feel anyone we met – applicant, studio, performer that originated from the CZ were up to the standards we were looking for and YOU - the public deserve.

Peace, Love (kinda) & Porn!

ENGPS Auditions: The prolog!

The thing that attracted me to the porn industry was what I thought was its honesty and matter-of-fact attitude to life and sex. I knew my way around a porn site; I knew who some of the major players were in the profession - in fact I’d met a few of them - and I knew most, if not all the scenes were fiction. I was under no illusion that porn - gay or straight - was a business: That its mission in life was to make entertainment that made money – quickly and in copious amounts!

What I was unaware of was the wide spread bitchiness between studios; the existence of a ‘casting couch’ attitude that some studio owners have; the inability of some performers NOT to leave their self-created complicated private lives at the studio door and finally the weirdo’s the industry attracts!

Well, I’m aware of them now - and in some cases they are aware that I’m aware! (I’ll explain in later updates!).

I met all the above at the first set of auditions in Manchester, UK. Every one of them came through the door during that weekend. To be honest the only thing that didn’t come through the door at those auditions was contestants: 18 to be exact! EIGHT bloody TEEN! (Bollocks to peace and love - I want revenge!).

I had BLANK that looked like they hadn’t eaten for years and had survived without sunlight since their chord was cut; I had journalists that were so excited about meeting some of the Jury, they practically pissed themselves when spoken to; I had Chief Operating Officers spilling the beans on what their owners like to get up to with the studios latest performer; I had major ‘gay’ porn stars giving out their number to any and all women they met; I had seedy nightclub promoters that thought a bottle of cheap champagne bought them the right to be your mate and shag your co-workers; I had famine and fucking disease that weekend!

I also had a great project!…..No shite project would attract this many weirdo’s. No shite project would have attracted the support of so many well known names. No shite project would have secured sponsorship from industry veterans. No, we had a winner in Manchester even if some applicants were too full of shite to turn up, and I have the weirdo’s to thank for proving that to me!

What we DIDN’T have that weekend was the honesty I was hoping for from an industry that really doesn’t need to lie. What we DIDN’T have that weekend was the respect from the industry that should be afforded adults - guys, we know it’s not real, we don’t care if the guys shagging in your films like to say they are straight, we don’t care if they have girlfriends or wives, its porn, ITS NOT REAL LIFE!!

So, I now have a new mission to add to my long list of obligations in executing the organisation of Europe’s Next Gay Porn Star: I’M BRINGING HONESTY BACK (ENGPS/Timberlake porno re-mix)

Peace, Love & Porn….Honestly!

Philippe Delvaux joins Jury


We are so pleased that Eurocreme (one of two new Studio Sponsors) have introduced us to one of their stunning discoveries: the blond bombshell that is Philippe Delvaux and we have been able to encourage him to take the lead on the Netherlands Jury – the Dutch love him and it’s not difficult to see why!
Although we haven’t actually met yet – that will happen when he joins us for the Netherlands auditions later in June - we have corresponded hundreds of times and worked with him on press interviews and he comes across as a really nice person; very interested in promoting both his work and best practise in the industry (which we love!).
From researching his past films – someone has to! – most have him cast in the passive role but in actual fact Philippe is versatile (have you seen the size of his cock?; the girth of it is huge, kinda pleasure pain situation if he topped you!).
Anyway, we are delighted, excited, erect and in a state of pre-cum about meeting Philippe at the Netherlands auditions, in the meantime below is his official biography and some pictures to help you with your wank – enjoy!

Peace, Love, Porn.

Milan Gamiani joins Spanish Jury

The hunk that is Milan Gamiani has very generously agreed to join the project as spokesperson for the Jury in Spain – Milan lives in Barcelona.
We are really pleased about this as we met Milan some time ago in Berlin at some porn awards we were organising and he is a really sweet guy – he brought us a gift of chocolate, which usually guarantees you a shag, but we were working at the time!

Anyway, obviously we knew of him and had seen some of his work, but we were taken by surprise when we saw his latest set of pictures – the fashion ones looked great and showed a vulnerable side, the hardcore ones showed how big his dick is – its fucking huge, the bell-end is a big as tennis ball!!

Anyway, the point is, this great looking, really nice genuine guy has agreed to lend his support to the project and we are sincerely grateful – as should you too!! So as a sign of our appreciation, I have attached below the aforementioned pictures for you to enjoy and wank over !

Peace, Love, Porn.

Michael Smith, Editor of QXMen joins UK Jury

Ultra nice guy and Editor of QXMen Mag Michael Smith is joining the UK Jury for Europes Next Gay Porn Star.

Born in 1972, Michael was raised and educated up in a town in the South West of England. At the age of 24, and following work in Ibiza and Brighton, he moved to London and worked for a cutting edge media consultancy. In 2000, Michael joined Firststar Ltd, publishers of QX and QXMEN magazines. Following success in both advertising and editorial working on QX Magazine - London’s leading free gay lifestyle magazine - Michael moved on to become the Editor of QXMEN. Now rated as the UK’s best glossy, free gay adult magazine, QXMEN is a monthly, nationwide publication reviewing the latest gay DVDs and interviewing the hottest UK and international porn stars in today’s gay adult industry.

Love, Peace & Porn

Matt Hughes joins UK Jury

We are delighted to introduce the spokesperson for the UK Jury as the infamous Matt Hughes. At 21, Matt stands at 6’foot, weighs @ 11.5 stone, is a top and.......has a cock that measures 11 inches!!! He hails from London, where he shares a house with a friend, and at the moment is without a partner.
Matt is well known in the gay porn world, for obvious reasons! His talents mean he can call porn his main job, and is in demand by both gay and straight studios. After becoming involved with the industry by accident – a friend asked him to do a shoot and it grew from there (so to speak) – Matt finds the industry a good one to work in, enabling him to meet new people, see great places and have lots of sex! As with all careers there are the downsides to each and Matt finds relationships can be difficult to manage.
Citing the gym, healthy diet and regular sex as they way he likes to spend himself in shape, Matt certainly sees his career in the porn industry lasting for some considerable time yet – in fact he hope that in 10 years he will have his own production house so he can pass on his experiences to the new talent that will inevitably come along.

Love, Peace & Porn

Marcel Schlutt joins the German Jury

Yet another stunningly hunk-a-matic guy joins the team at ENGPS, this time it’s the perfectly lithe, yet ruggedly handsome Marcel Schlutt.
Born in Demmin, East Germany, Marcel spent most of his youth in Beilefeld, North Rhine-Westphalia after the German reunification in 1989. After graduating from school, he moved to Munster to complete his training to become a fully qualified groom.
In 1998, he participated in a local modelling contest which he subsequently won. As a result he spent the next three years in London, England working as a professional model for designers like Paul Smith, All Saints and H&M. After returning to Germany in 2001, Marcel worked as a host for the Pay-TV network, Premier, primarily appearing on its adult channel Beate Uhse TV. At the same time he expanded his knowledge of the adult industry by working for and Backstage – Das Magazine.
By 2004, Marcel had become widely known for his appearances in several Cazzo Film productions, most notably his lead performance in Jorg Andreas’ film Locked Up, which was released in both hardcore and softcore versions both of which became international best sellers. In addition to these performances, Marcel also appeared in several internet pay site videos.
Since 2005, Marcel has been working professionally behind the camera as well as in front of it! His photographs have appeared in the illustrated book Skate! and the gay lifestyle magazine Du & Ich, for which he also writes the column Max in the City.
2007 saw Marcel playing his first major non-porn acting role when he appeared as Fritze Fritz in Bruce La Bruce’s film ‘Otto or up with dead people’ In the same year he also appeared in Tod Verow’s ‘The boy with sun in his eyes’.
Marcel will be representing the German Jury for the project and will soon be featured in several German magazines extolling the virtues of the porn industry and tell us all why he’s joined in the search for Europe’s Next Gay Porn Star. Auditions are being re-held in Germany for ENGPS as although there have been some good quality applicants, there were also some tossers who thought it would be a good idea to apply-whilst-drunk and then waste everyone’s time by not showing!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…
Anyway, Marcel will hopefully attract a better quality of applicant this time round, so get applying you sexy German men - yes, MEN let’s see some hair with these new applications!

Peace, Love, Porn

Luke Hamill from Bel Ami joins UK Jury

Luke Hamill, the blonde God from Bel Ami flew into Manchester last October to join the ENGPS team as a Judge for the UK auditions of Europe’s Next Gay Porn Star. He was joined by a few other employees of the Duroy empire, one of which was the barely recognisable Johan Paulik (’Johan is dead’ has to be the best quote from the man himself - he’s not btw, he was referring to his performing persona!)
Anyway back to the blonde God that is Luke: He has amazing skin - I know it’s weird, I know I was staring, but he does, it’s flawless, its friggin flawless. The guy can pose like his life depends on it and when he’s in front of the camera and smiles whilst exposing his abs you have no choice but to stare open mouthed - well I did just prior to passing out!
His English isn’t great - better than my Czech, but he got by with some help from the recently deceased Mr Paulik! To be honest, I felt sorry for some of the applicants: here we were in Manchester, all studio’ed up in a great apartment in the city centre: After passing through check-in and the obligatory ID checks, they then had to pose for ID pics in front of the whole team. Then they were told to be ready for an interview and finally they were asked to wank off in private with just the producer and a cameraman (most at this point lost all fake colour they had!).
After the pep-talk they were ushered into the audition room only to be face with the panel that included Luke, Jesse Santana and Guy Parker - I’d have just pukked up at that point, called it my party trick and left! (FYI: I wonder how many had wanked off to these performers in their bedroom and then how many would google them after the audition and wank off again?).
Now, however great Luke Hamill is, and he is great - I think he was simply too rich for Mancunian blood: we tend to like our porn stars with some flaws!

Love, Peace & Porn

Jesse Santana from Cockyboys

Jesse Santana, CockyBoys exclusive, joined the team at ENGPS as a Jury member in the first round of auditions to find the next best thing in gay porn. The Texan performer, who is well known for his bubble butt and pouting look, lead the jury in their deliberations in the UK, Germany and Czech Republic.

After meeting him for the first time in Manchester - after a God knows how many hour journey from Dallas, Texas to join us - Jesse came across as a little sullen, but I think that was due to his genuine shyness and the fact he’d been booked to do the judging by CockyBoys (one of the major sponsors of the whole project) with his recently ex-boyfriend Guy Parker - we all know how difficult being civil to our ex’s can be!! I for one prefer the ‘Fuck-em-and-chuck-em’ mentality. I don’t subscribe to this ‘right-on’ attitude of being mates with your ex - I switch from a love to a hate emotion overnight - but hey, that’s me!

As the trip progressed, it became clear that Jesse really is nice - as is Guy - very professional and totally at ease with his job. One thing that definitely came across was his sexuality; there is something about him that makes you believe he could fuck for England - so to speak!

Anyway, enjoy the pictures - I have several sets of Jesse that I will upload from time to time: the ones with Luke Hamill from Bel Ami are great, especially when you realize they were taken just after Luke had fucked the life out of Jesse for a short CockyBoys/Bel Ami collaboration film!

Love, Peace, Porn

Guy Parker from CockyBoys

Guy Parker from Cockyboys and ex-boyfriend of Jesse Santana joined the ENGPS team as Jury member for the first round of auditions last October.

I’m telling you: there is nothing about this ‘guy’ you could dislike. He sounds like he looks - a little husky & acts like he performs - all bouncy and full of life (I didn’t know he was called ‘Bam-Bam’ and that he was given this nickname due to his energy whilst performing, but I can see why!)

The poor guy had to share a bedroom with Jesse throughout the trip - not easy when you realise they had just recently split up and Guy was still licking his wounds - that said, he won’t be single for long; his character is infectious!

Anyway his Texan drawl and sincerity was appreciated by all of the ENGPS team as was his gymnastic ability! Enjoy the first set of Guy’s pictures; they were taken at the UK auditions in Manchester. The photographer decided to kill sometime between contestant no-shows (and believe me there were quite a few of those - bastards! I’ll save the moans about that for another entry as I’ll need at least a page to list the people that pissed me off: don’t you know by now that I’m one of those people who NEVER forgets!)

Love, Peace & Porn

Fred Faurtin

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BENT Magazine

Dreamboys Magazine

Porn Up Magazine

Gay Video International Magazine

Gay Video International Magazine

Gay Video International Magazine

Sunday 31 May 2009

QXMen Magazine September 2008

Hustlaball, Berlin 2008

Bel Ami twins Elijah & Milo entertained the crowd at the Press Launch for ENGPS 08 hosted at the Kitkat Club Berlin, home of the Hustlaball in October last year.

Is it me, or is there something not quite right when your brother sticks his hand down the front of your pants? I know I was educated in the Catholic way of life - but even the priest stopped at making brothers shag each other!

That said, I can’t deny they can perform in front of the camera and look great if thats what floats your boat. Personally I prefer less muscle and more body hair, but they are the pride and joy of Bel Ami so I guess thats never gonna happen! - oh bring back Dano Sulik!

After all this posing - and take my word for it, it went on and on and on….! We all retired to the VIP lounge upstairs and OMG, the things that went on in the toilet with those two boys and another guest of ours! I’d tell you but then I’d have to kill you all!

L, P & P

QXMen Magazine September 2008